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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
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A search for 'Peter Rabbit' gave the following results:

3 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
117 matches in composers
  1. Bad Rabbit
  2. Peter Best
  3. Peter Kam
  4. Peter Peter
  5. Peter Bräker
  6. Peter Herrmann
  7. Peter Kowalski
  8. Peter Molyneux
  9. Peter Rafelson
  10. Peter McConnell
  11. Peter Hinderthür
  12. Peter Afterman
  13. Peter Schwartz
  14. Peter Warlock
  15. Peter Callander
  16. Peter Tinari
  17. Peter Kreuder
  18. J. Peter Schwalm
  19. Peter Ehlebracht
  20. Peter Weihe
Show all 117 matching composers
6209 matches in tracks
  1. Peter Rabbit (01:04)
    from Pyromaniac's Love Story, A
  2. Peter Rabbit (01:04)
    from Great Moments In Aviaton
  3. Peter Rabbit (01:04)
    from Smoke
  4. Peter Rabbit (01:04)
    from Ethan Frome
  5. Peter Rabbit (01:04)
    from Pyromaniac's Love Story, A
  6. Peter Rabbit (01:04)
    from Great Moments In Aviaton
  7. Peter Rabbit (01:04)
    from Smoke
  8. Peter Rabbit (01:04)
    from Ethan Frome
  9. The story of Peter Rabbit (02:49)
    from Miss Potter
  10. The Tale of Peter Rabbit (01:33)
    from Peter Rabbit
  11. The Story Of Peter Rabbit (02:49)
    from Miss Potter
    Nigel Westlake
  12. Peter Potamus (Curtain Calls With Ricochet Rabbit) (00:00)
    from Hanna Barbera Pic-a-nic Basket Of Cartoon Classics
  13. The Rabbit-Proof Fence (01:06)
    from Rabbit-Proof Fence
    Composed by Richard Evans, Peter Gabriel and David Rhodes.
  14. End Credits * (05:33)
    from Valhalla Rising
    * - Peter Peter & Peter Kyed§ - Douglas MacDougall & Giles Lamb† - Peter Peter
  15. Hol' Den Peter - Peter Alexander, Orchester Erich Werner (00:00)
    from Filmtreffer, 3
    From "Peter Schießt Den Vogel Ab" (1959)
  16. Down to Earth*** (05:58)
    from WALL-E
    ***Music by Peter Gabriel and Thomas Newman, Lyrics by Peter Gabriel, Performed by Peter Gabriel
  17. Down to Earth*** (05:58)
    from WALL-E
    ***Music by Peter Gabriel and Thomas Newman, Lyrics by Peter Gabriel. Performed by Peter Gabriel
  18. Andy, der Strassensänger - Happy Peter (03:12)
    from Derrick
    Peter Thomas Sound Orchester
  19. Piccolo-Pony - Peter Alexander, Orchester Erich Werner (00:00)
    from Filmtreffer, 3
    From "Peter Schießt Den Vogel Ab" (1959)
  20. Ay Vera - Peter Alexander, Orchester Peter Laine (00:00)
    from Filmtreffer, 4
    From "Das Süße Leben Des Grafen Bobby" (1962)
Show all 6209 matching tracks